Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nature boys!




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Yup, we get nakkid outside. Who doesn't? Oh, you? And you? Hmmm...well, ya'll are missing out.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wild blackberries!

County boys know where wild blackberries thrive. And they keep an eye open for the time the bitter, red berries to turn a sweet, seedy, black...We grabbed our metal collianders and headed out to the patch. Mom and Pop met us there for a pickin' good time! It took quite a while to pick two cups for a cobbler. Funny enough as there were many, many berries ripe. But, one look at Gavin gave him away- he was eating two berries for every berry picked! Once he was refocused (Gavin, we are gonna make cobbler!) he was a pickin' fool! That afternoon, we baked a cobbler and served it right alongside fried okra. Now, who lives below the Mason-Dixon???

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pop and Noah

Noah is reaching and grabbing for everything remotely close. His favorite thing? Eyeglasses. Especially Pop's.




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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Splash Park



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On a typical summer day, Gavin, Noah, Sissy, Maw-Maw, and I decided to trek to the Splash Park. We arrived early and had enough fun before the daily summer thunderstorm came knocking! Gavin loves the water, but Noah would rather sit in the shade with Maw-Maw...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bubble time




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This is a nightly event as of lately. Daddy blows 'em, Gavin pops 'em. With a few 'lemme do it's' inbetween. Ahhh, love me some summer time.

Sunday, June 20, 2010





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There in nothing like fresh, sweet Silver Queen in the hot,hot, summer. This past Sunday after church, we broke, shucked, and ate corn! Gavin was a little impatient and ate a few ears raw. What can I say? He's a country boy, even if we live in a neighborhood...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Walden and Sons Inc.




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Walden and Sons Inc. strikes again. This time, a white, pickett fence is the result. For many weeks, Daddy and Gavin have worked from the wee morning hours to the last dusk for this very, cottage-y cuteness.