Field trip!!! Pop, Gavin and Myself ventured into Georgia for the Ag Expo. Everything agriculture all in one, big open field.... This is not for the faint of heart. We saw everything from log splitters, to livestock, to stocked ponds, and tractors, tractors, tractors!
Ice cream...homemade... blueberry and vanilla... at 10 am...Gavin also ate fried peanut butter sandwhiches, boiled peanuts, roasted peanuts, ice cream sandwiches, a bite of catfish, and a pulled pork sandwhich.
After walking around for hours, we happened upon John Deere Land-- no, this is even better than that-- John Deere Universe. And yes, we sat and tried to steer every tractor. And we bought out the toy booth. Thank you Pop for the next year's worth supply of tractors. Noah will not be empty handed-- Pop has decided that Noah will be a collector of red tractors. So Pop bought him a Case tractor. I was also informed that Noah will be a fan of Massey Ferguson as well...
Does anyone else out there have a love for walking sticks? My whole life, I have always known a walking stick is more of a necessity than shoes. This man taught me that and it looks like that lesson may have just been passed down. These sticks were being given out by the Fellowship of Christian Farmers. A leather strap strung with beads (gold, black, red, white, and green) symbolizes the story of Christ.

Sorry, back to the Deeres...
What a great, great trip we had! I think all three of us really enjoyed this. Pop was a huge influence in my love of the outdoors, my country-fied-ness. He indulged me in my love of horses (lots of money and time later, I still get knobbied knees around those animals) and ventures into agriculture (sorry about that Seed Savers shenanigans; but you know, this goat meat business will end up being a GREAT idea, I know it!) And now Gavin and his John Deere thing... Not to mention the future brainwashing of sweet, little, No-No...