I am trying to understand...really, I am. Local politicians, for whatever reason, love to change the day Halloween is celebrated by trick-or-treating to a day "convenient" for, for, for.... I have NO idea who. Come on. The act of trick-or-treating lasts approximately two hours-- 6-8ish...Anyway, at the last minute, I realized High Springs decided 10/30/10 was trick-or-treat night. Normally, I like to go against the "rules," but tonight I gave in... and tomorrow night I will revolt and trick-or-treat all over again... Take a stand, folks!
Dragging the boys across town into the "historic district"
Complete with snacks. Noah refusing to wear his ears. Officially he is a baby with a black nose dressed in brown clothes...
...telling McKinnely a secret.
At least some of the folks got the memo.
Gavin was so proud of his hard-earned candy. He examined his bag every few feet, "Look at all those suckers!" Most of these homes were very well decorated with large spiders (poor Gavin, I think he has a new found phobia), tombstones, lights, and scary sounds. And the candy! Good, good, candy-- Kit Kats, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Almond Joy, M&Ms, oh be still my heart!