Monday, January 11, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas this year was a hoot!  Gavin is now old enough to semi-understand the idea of unwrapping presents; not that he pays attention to who's gift it is, or what is inside the box.  Christmas Eve started with going to Mass with Poppa and PattyCake.  Don't let me forget to mention Gavin ended up outside during the chruch service with no shoes; one foot bare, but thankfully his sock was on the other foot.  What transgression caused him to be whisked outside?  His silly mother brought only ONE tractor.  "Oh NOOOO!  Not two tractors?  Not two tractors?  Just ONE tractor?  Not two John Deere tractors?"  The choir could not cover his emphatic questioning.  So out he went...

After that eventful service, we bedded down at Mom and Pop's house waiting for Santa along with Chad and Sissy. 

On Christmas day, everyone except for Gavin was up by 6:30.  Gavin slept in until 7:30.  Not like him at all!  Once everyone was up and coffee sipped on (including Gavin) the ruckus of opening presents began!

Gavin hit the motherload of presents! A shiny red tricycle, lots of Little People toys, DVDs, books, trucks, tractors, clothes, and so so so much more.  Noah on the other hand, had a very functional Christmas.  Pacifiers, sleepers, socks, outfits, a children's Bible, and a glowworm named Lisa Lee (Thanks for the swell name, Daddy).

But the most anticipated present was saved for last!  Pop and Mom have been on pins and needles for months (July to be exact!) to surprise Gavin on Christmas morning.  What John Deere boy doesn't want his VERY OWN GATOR for Christmas?  None that I know of!  Thank you Mom and Pop for the miniature version of Pop's ride!

Later that Christmas day, we visited Poppa and PattyCake.  Gavin and Noah opened presents AGAIN (well, Gavin ripped open everyone's present, but you know what I mean).  A child's table and chair set from Pottery Barn from the Grand Ps. And clothes and books and toys, toys, toys!  Thank you Poppa and Patty Cake for the table and chairs.  What a merry Christmas we had! 

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