Friday, June 17, 2011

Fouraker Reunion 2011

Welcome to a pine-filled forest somewhere near Fargo, GA in Echols County. This little Primitive Baptist Church sits right off Woodpecker Route... and somehow our little (ha) family owns it? The first Sunday in May we've been meeting here since the mid 1950s. And the tradition continues... This is Gavin's third attendance. Noah opted out this year with a high fever :(

So many memories of this place from my childhood. And such a gratifing experience to watch your child relive your fond childhood memories. A large chunk of the day is spent in the church's graveyard playing hide and seek, looking for the oldest grave, and prying marbles out of a tombstone (yes, you read that right... The South has odd behaviors and customs...)

The famed marble grave... A natural inclination is to attempt to dig out the marbles...I've never been successful.

Hide and Seek!

After the 11 o'clock meeting in the church run with Robert's Rules of Order (calling a motion, seconding motion, all in favor...), an accapella Amazing Grace, blessing the dinner on the grounds, WE EAT!!!

For the love of family tradition...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know if you still check this blog, but I am interested in the history of this church and would like to speak with anyone who may have information regarding it. My ancestor was a clerk and a deacon there from 1880 - 1897.