Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ag expo 2011

Our annual (and may be our last) Ag Expo. "Oh, what went wrong," you ask? Please take a seat. Our normal two hour drive turned into almost 5 hours leading to a my three year old AND my grandfather peeing on the side of the road while sitting in a string of stand-still traffic, the temperature dropping from nearly 80 degrees to a windy 52 degrees, limited time at the expo (we spend most of our time in traffic), and traffic sitting on the way home. All of this was secondary to a violent cold front that monsooned Georgia the day before leading to one of the expo days to be basically cancelled. So, it caused an influx on our visit unbeknownst to us. Nevermind, once we finally made it in, it was large tractor bliss. Barbecue sandwiches, pop guns made with pvc and cork, and John Deere sweatshirts and everyone was slap-happy. Gavin decided he would like an alpaca. "Do they pack things? Why do they call them 'I'll pack ya' for?" Pop snickered at that. I'm gunning to go back next year, Pop says 'no way.' We've got a year, and Noah will be in the mix in we will see who wins.
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